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Antonio Rodriguez Morey
Antonio Rodriguez Morey

Antonio Rodriguez Morey

Antonio Rodriguez Morey
Antonio Rodriguez Morey
Antonio Rodriguez Morey
Antonio Rodriguez Morey

HobbyGaia - Collections - Paintings - Paintings have always occupied a privileged place in our house, almost always with a place of honor reserved, whether they are unknown famous painters or excellent painters, copies, reproductions, or falsifications, so no wonder , which are very unknown much sought after to collect !!! On the other hand some precautions must be taken into account, it is always to enter an unknown world, and the rules to adopt are very own: being of known painters, the price to pay is high, so I personally avoid them; all that remains is to search among the rest, knowing perfectly well that the great majority does not have enough of the qualities to be part of a collection, when at most they are used only for decorative purposes ... but it is not said that they are not among them excellent paintings of collecting, and even of well-known painters, especially among small and old paintings, where the time was in charge of making to forget its authors, like this little painting by Antonio Rodriguez Morey, (1874/ 1967), 22x28 / 30x37 - extraordinary Cuban painter, perhaps his best landscaper, with works in so many museums !!!

HobbyGaia - Collections - Paintings - Paintings have always occupied a privileged place in our house, almost always with a reserved place of honor, whether by famous painters, or excellent unknown painters, copies, reproductions, or forgeries, so it is not surprising , which are highly sought after to collect!!! And if we give up known painters, due to the price of their works, as is my case, then some precautions should be taken into account, because it is like entering an unknown world, having some rules  very own, where  the binary system, yes or no, stops working, and is based more on an intermediate degree, full of questions, doubts or uncertainties, knowing perfectly well that the vast majority do not have enough qualities to be part of a collection, at the most they serve to be used only for decorative purposes..., but it is not said that among them there are not excellent paintings to collect, or even by great painters,  mainly between small and old paintings, easier to go unnoticed and where time has taken care of making the authors forget, like this small painting by Antonio Rodriguez Morey, (1874/1967), - 22x28 /30x37 - extraordinary Cuban painter, perhaps your best landscaper, with works in so many museums!!!

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