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Se Por Roma For Passar
Se Por Roma For Passar

If You Pass Through Rome

Special  hobbies  - Trips

      If you go through Rome, it is dedicated to travel hobbyists, and encourage them to put Eterna in their next destination. And if we think about the fact that she was once the mistress of the greatest empire in the world, to which one day we also belong, many of us will even be her descendants and we keep their inheritances (remember the  Romanization?) Coming to Rome is like visiting the house of our ancestors. Don't be surprised if something is written in Italian (and if you want to get used to the pronunciation, nothing better than a little good Italian music, starting obviously with Lucio Battisti and Fabrizio De Andrè), it's part of the program, the trip started. If you come by plane, Fiumicino and Ciampino have bus connections to the city, Termini station, (via Giovanni Giolitti) and to sleep, if it is useful, check out this: Monastero San Gregorio al Celio, a due passi dal Colosseo. €35 a notte, camere spartane ma pulite and with bagno, rientro serale obbligatorio 23.30 tel: 067000987 email signora Lorella. To get off to a great start, visit Colosseo,         symbol of the city: in Rome it is said:  Il Colosseo resist and anche Roma. When cadrà il Colosseo cadrà anche Roma. When cadrà Roma, cadrà anche il mondo... Enter without fear. Everything around it is an open-air museum, and deserves a long visit. Head to Campidoglio, Michelangelo's square on one of Rome's seven hills. Visit the Trevi Fountain,-ah! La Dolce Vita by Fellini-, and with your back toss a coin into the water, because at this point you've already realized that Rome will return. Arrive at Piazza di Spagna, sit on the steps, gaining strength and your eyes will rest on the beautiful Barcaccia, a baroque capolavoro by Bernini, il padre; via do Babuino and Marguta must be seen; in via Condotti, have your coffee at Greco, and enjoy all the high fashion concentrated there, and if shopping is part of your projects, and you can't resist, go to Armani, in Italy, King Giorgio, and if you're a donna, let her if you are tempted by their beautiful bags...but in via del Corso, Cola di Rienzo, Campo di Fiori area, the prices are more out of this world; It also has two beautiful outlets next to Rome, with transport from Termini station: Valmontone and Castel Romani, in the first one enter Feyem with its beautiful kispos, and in the second one, in Pollini, and your feet will thank you; if you're bold, go for Loriblu, and if you're a man, Piquadro awaits you with its high quality and design bags, which women also love, all of this strictly Made in Italy. Go  to the Pantheon, where Rafaello the maestro is and next door in Piazza dellaMinerva with his little elephant don't be fooled by the facade and enter the Basilica, the  great Michelangelo well deserves it and where Blessed Angelico, after his great work, rests; gain new energy with the best coffee in the world, right next door. At this point I believe that your trip to Rome is already more than justified, everything that comes from now on must be counted as a positive balance and  It really hasn't even started yet. follow  towards Piazza Navona and along the way enter the Church of the French and discover something fabulous for yourself, an authentic treasure worthy of the Thousand and One Nights. In Piazza Navona, don't be fooled by any attractive photocopy with an air of watercolor and do your portrait instead; enjoy the fountain of the Quattro Fiumi, by Bernini,  where the characters protect themselves from the imminent fall of Borromini's beautiful church of Sant' Agnese in Agone, which has not yet happened: rivalries between illustrious conductors. In via dei Portoghesi, enter the Church of Santo Antonio (the History of the Portuguese in Rome passes through there) and  refresh yourself with a delicious ice cream at Giolitti, and a break  at Antico Café Ruschena, Cavour bridge and Ferrari, excellent location, low prices, very friendly, the best of Rome... Visit S. Pietro and Musei Vaticani.

     And if il Colosseo is the symbol of the city, the saying goes that whoever goes to Rome sees the Pope, so if it's Sunday go to Piazza S. Pietro, and see for yourself that Rome couldn't get a better Bishop and feel very fortunate and privileged to live this great historic moment, and to be by your side; It's time to perpetuate your wonderful trip, and in my opinion the best souvenir you can take of the city will be from here: in the Vatican, or in Largo del Colonnato,5, choose a beautiful certificate, which will be personalized with your full name or a friend, will take a photograph of Papa Francesco  with your Personal Blessing, it will be authenticated by the Vatican, and upon an extra payment for the shipment, within three weeks, it will arrive at your house; then just get it a nice frame and your visit to Rome will be forever remembered, and your friends will certainly appreciate it, there is no better. Go to piazza dell Popolo, go up to Pincio; visit Santa Maria del Popolo with Caravaggio (two capolavori) Pinturicchio and the Chigi chapel, designed by Raffaello; still  Bernini, Bramante and Carracci, a real museum; if you are a fan of dan  Brown, visit her twice.  

     In Rome everything is history, but also everything is legend...Go to Bocca della Verità. Legend has it that at one time there lived in the city a young, beautiful and intelligent woman, married to a rich merchant who was much older. From this, the young woman's presumptive infidelity was a step, and her offended husband, without evidence, decided to take her to the Bocca della Verità.

    The beautiful Romana was not disconcerted, and on the appointed day, among the crowd  coming to watch, a beautiful giovanotto ran to the young woman, hugging her. In the face of so many protests from the crowd, he justified himself, saying that he was immensely sorry for such a beautiful ragazza and that he wanted to give him courage. Can the young woman then declare, that except for this boy who had hugged her, no other man  outside of his marriage had touched him. Resolute and confident, she reached into her mouth and withdrew it intact. She was declared innocent!!! In Rome be Roman, it is said. Also put your hand in the Bocca della Verità, but be careful with the words you say, you don't know anymore...

    One night, go to Campo das Flores, a square of rare  beauty and  excellent place to dine, with a very romantic and suggestive name but which contains something very dramatic and dark in its history, from the Middle Ages when bonfires were lit there that were not exactly to warm the most  underprivileged in the city and for a moment ardently wish that similar times would not be repeated. Other night  go for a pizza in Trastavere, the most Roman quartiere in all of Rome, it's a must. Here, visit the Church of Santa Maria, with Santo António right at the entrance. The devotion to our Saint and theirs is so great that the Italians, in a last homage to him, and not knowing what else to do, simply call him The Saint, without a name, he doesn't need to, everyone knows who he is, a greater honor is not Can give. Confirm by the thousands of requests or thanks, laid at your feet.

    And his first contact with the city has come to an end. If at the beginning I couldn't say where it would end, now I have no doubts, the goal is here, two steps away. Will this also be a form of homage to the  Great  Holy? Può darsi!!!.Enter and be Roman; then calmly, set off to discover the city, your journey has begun.

   ...and if... when your journey inexorably comes to an end, you feel that the city has conquered you, as in the past, with its legions and its paths, conquered the world, it's time to return to the Trevi Fountain , but don't get carried away, don't throw a handful of coins into the beautiful fountain, it won't do, a very small one is enough, tradition is fulfilled, the agreement with the city is sealed,... and agreements are to be fulfilled ...and one day it will come back!!!


     Have a nice stay, and welcome back.

                                                   Saluti, of the saints

(Also visit Porto Weekend)

HobbyGaia,colosseo,se por roma for passar
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