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nalisador de Válvulas | Hobbygaia
nalisador de Válvulas | Hobbygaia

CIT Valve Analyzer

nalisador de Válvulas | Hobbygaia
nalisador de Válvulas | Hobbygaia
Analisador de Válvulas | Hobbygaia

HobbyGaia - Electronics - Valve Analyzer CIT - In the beginning were the valves. They lived golden times, they were the heart of electronics, they controlled everything. Then came the transistors and the integrated ones, but even today you want a Hi-End, or an indestructible device and proof of any kind of electromagnetic radiation, you will have to use them. Essential, just like old times !!!


  HobbyGaia - Electronics - CIT Valve Analyzer - In the beginning it was the valves. They lived in golden times, they were the heart of electronics, they controlled everything. Then came the transistors and the integrated ones, but even today if you want a Hi-End, or an indestructible device and proof against any type of electromagnetic radiation, you will have to use them. Indispensable, just like in the old days!!!...and if!!!, you want to use it and you don't have the operating instructions or you need to do any kind of intervention in terms of  repair or maintenance, or more importantly if you belong to the group of curious people and in this case you are to be congratulated, be sure to read these delicious original pages from other times, from the history of CIT about this interesting instrument of yours, or one similar at all.

Analisador de Válvulas
Analisador de Válvulas
Analisador de Válvulas
Analisador de Válvulas
Analisador de Válvulas
Analisador de Válvulas
Analisador de Válvulas
Analisador de Válvulas
Analisador de Válvulas
Analisador de Válvulas
Analisador de Válvulas
Analisador de Válvulas
Analisador de Válvulas
Analisador de Válvulas
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