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Estudios de Cinecittà
Estudios de Cinecittà

Cinecitta Studios

Estudios de Cinecittà

HobbyGaia - Photos - Inside view of the famous Cinecittà studios in Rome. Place of Filming. In the image, monuments covered with resin, for filming. As in this case, the visit should include the sets of filming abroad, which includes a guide .. Here was filmed Ben-Hur ... And when you enter the studio 5, take a deep breath, here the great Fellini walked, filming La Sweet life. Today the studies will not have the brightness of old, but absolutely deserve your visit.


HobbyGaia - Photos - Interior view of the famous Cinecittà studios in Rome. Filming location. In the image,  facades of life-size monuments, covered in resin, purpose-built for movie scenes!!!, as well as streets and squares. As in this case, the visit should include the outdoor filming sets, which includes a guide.. Here Ben-Hur was filmed... And when you enter studio 5, take a deep breath, that's where the  great Fellini, filming  La Dolce Vita. Today the studios will not have the shine they once had, but they are absolutely worth a visit.

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