handcraft, paintings
handiwork, verses
vintage radios,electronics,collections
HobbyGaia - Handicrafts - Exhibitor - After the G3-35 exhibitor mysteriously disappeared, there was another very identical one, obviously with some differences, a common feature in the hobbies, avoiding the repetitions that would cause even a decrease and interest. It was built with wood of 5mm of thickness, cut in the desired measurements, glued and nailed, and with the inclination proper to receive the small books. The final finish was done with brown acrylic paint, and a mixture of colorless wood wax with brown liquid wax. It was still written on the front with a small drill, the name of the Great Saint, where it was intended, a way chosen to avoid temptations... and remain there of stone and lime. Let's wait.
HobbyGaia - Crafts - Exhibitor - After the expositor of G3-35 mysteriously disappeared, another very identical one was made, obviously with some differences, a common feature in the hobby world, avoiding repetitions that would even cause a decrease and interest. It was built with 5mm thick wood, cut to the desired measurements, glued and nailed, and with the proper inclination to receive the small books. The final finish was done with brown acrylic paint, and still a mixture of colorless wood wax and brown liquid wax. It was also written on the front with a small drill, the name of the Great Saint, place of destination, mainly to avoid temptations... and remain there with stone and lime. Let's wait.