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FFR Made in France
FFR Made in France

FFR Made in France

FFR Made in France
FFR Made in France
FFR Made in France

HobbyGaia - Collections - FFR Made in France - At first glance, a doubt may arise: is it a picture with a watch, or a fitted watch?

Well, the answer is not discounted, although it is notorious for its excellent presentation, and quality of materials. The much less showy back may lure you to the first question. But this small mechanical watch has one trump card, two better, in fact three: its rope system, practically as big as the watch, along with its little energy-consuming mechanism, allows it to rotate for a long time (3/4 weeks ), and next to bigger ones, often with two points of rope, do not stand back !!!, and still have the need of an authentic Swiss watch !!! At this point, and if the initial doubt remains, it is clear that, quietly, it can also be a beautiful clock framed ..., and vintage certainly !!!

HobbyGaia - Collections - FFR Made in France - At first glance, a doubt may arise: is it a painting with a clock, or a framed clock?

Well, the answer is not discounted, although its excellent presentation and quality of materials are notorious.  THE  much less showy back might make you lean towards the first question. But this great little mechanical watch does have one trump card, better two, well in fact there are three: its winding system, practically as big as the watch, along with its tiny power-consuming mechanism.   low energy, allows you to spin for a long time (3/4 weeks), and next to bigger ones, often with two points of rope, you don't get left behind!!!, and still have the need for an authentic Swiss watch !!! At this point, and if the initial doubt remains, it is evident, however, that calmly,  it can in fact be a beautiful framed watch..., and vintage for sure!!!

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