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Flex-Disc Promo
Flex-Disc Promo

Flex-Disc Promo

Flex-Disc Promo
Flex-Disc Promo
Cartoes Postais Turisticos Musicais
Cartoes Postais Turisticos Musicais

HobbyGaia - Collections - Flex-Disc Promo. In the hot days of vinyl records, when these were sold like cherries, and these were bought with pennies, its advertising / advertising / marketing, was not left behind; it was common to get to our house, real promotion discs made of finissima plastic sheets, which we could listen to. Still as a curiosity, the tourist postcards of musical cards, (see two in the back, with their central hole), functioning like authentic vinyl records, incised of songs and that the recipient could listen, long before the Chinese musical postcards the battery ! !!, ...still remembered?


HobbyGaia - Collections -  Flex-Disc Promo. In the heyday of vinyl records, when they were sold like nuts, and they were bought with pennies, their dissemination/advertising/marketing was not left behind; it was common to arrive at our house, and free of charge, real promotional records made of very thin sheets of plastic, which we could listen to, evaluate and encourage ourselves to buy a certain vinyl record!!! Still as a curiosity, the musical tourist postcards, also functioning as authentic vinyl records, with incisions of songs  and that the recipient could hear, long before musical postcards  Chinese battery!!!, ... still remembered?

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