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HP-12C, Hewlett Packard
HP-12C, Hewlett Packard

Hewlett Packard HP-12c

HP-12C, Hewlett Packard

HobbyGaia - Collections - Hewlett Packard HP-12c - Programmable financial calculator, introduced in 1981, has become a living legend, and after more than thirty years, where the has made giant steps, no other has surpassed it, and continues to be used as always. A timeless calculator that made history and continues to make it, and it is here with its original box, instruction book in Italian of almost 300 Pages !!! and protective case, is in impeccable condition, at the physical and mathematical level, as the test done demonstrations and still today makes color designers and designers.


  HobbyGaia - Collections - Hewlett Packard HP-12c -Programmable financial calculator, introduced in 1981, has become a living legend, and after more than thirty years, where the technique has made giant strides, no other has surpassed it, and continues to be used as usual. A timeless calculator that made history and continues to do so, and here it is with its original box, almost 300 Pages Italian instruction book!!! and protective case, is in impeccable condition, physically and mathematically, as the test carried out demonstrates and still makes designers and designers blush today.

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