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sacred icon triple
sacred icon triple

sacred icon triple

sacred icon triple
sacred icon triple
sacred icon triple
sacred icon triple
sacred icon triple
sacred icon triple
sacred icon triple
sacred icon triple
sacred icon triple

HobbyGaia - Collections - Sacred Art - With (20/30 years?), But with immediate entry into any collection. seven  good reasons to do so:

First - FI - place of manufacture (Firenze - Florence) - The most famous city in the world at the arts level !!! And if the Renaissance gave him glory, still today his craftsmen remain true Masters.

Second - 336 - manufacturer since 1959 in Sesto Fiorentino. See these porcelain vases  on this site, from the same famous location.

Third - 925 - Silver of excellent quality.

Fourth - Extremely well finished wooden stand.

Five - Triple - like a Swiss watch with complications make it more precious, also this Icone with three parts is more interesting.

Six - Painting - All faces, and there are four, are authentic paintings handmade !!!, authentic works of art.

Seven - As the Port wine of a special year meets the conditions to become a great vintage, also this Icon with these excellent characteristics, can only be valued !!!

See also this Sacred Icon on this site


HobbyGaia- Collections - Icona - Sacred Art - With (20/30 years?), but with  Immediate entry into any collection. Seven good reasons to do so:

First - FI - manufacturing site (Firenze - Florence) - The most famous city in the world in terms of arts!!! And if the Renaissance gave it glory, even today its artisans continue to be true  Conductors.

Second - 336 - manufacturer  since 1959 in Sesto Fiorentino. See these vases on this site, from the same famous location.

Third - 925 - Excellent quality silver.

Bedroom - Extremely well-finished wooden support.

Five - Triple - like a Swiss watch with its complications make it more precious, also this Icon with  three parts  it's more interesting.

Six - Painting - All the faces, and there are four, are real hand-painted, authentic works of art!!!

Seven - As the Port wine of a special year meets the conditions to become an excellent vintage, also this Icona with these excellent characteristics, can only be valued!!!

See also this Icona Sacral in this site

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