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handmade burlap canvas

Tela artesanal serapilheira

HobbyGaia - paintings - I love to make my own paintings, so I never buy them; I often use litter bags, such as coffee bags, and small wooden bars, which are no longer useful, so it becomes more economical, helps with recycling, gives a very handcrafted and interesting final appearance, and after painting, a satisfaction extra; First painting is treated with rabbit glue and acrylic gypsum (primer).

HobbyGaia - My paintings - I really enjoy making my own canvases, so I never buy them; I often use burlap sacks, like coffee ones, and small wooden rulers, which are no longer useful, so it becomes more economical, helps with recycling, gives a very artisanal and interesting final look, and after painting, a satisfaction extra;  First to paint is treated  with rabbit glue and acrylic plaster (printing).

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