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O Ovo de Colombo
O Ovo de Colombo

Columbus Egg!!!

O Ovo de Colombo

HobbyGaia - Photos - The egg has always been a sign of mystery, and it is not a case of less: with its extraordinary shell is superesistente and as if it were not enough, it closes inside, perhaps the greatest mystery of nature, where everything begins, the origin of life, life in itself! The famous dilemma of the egg and the chicken, emphasized its mystery; then came Columbus and the mysteries increased; and in our day they continue to grow like this rose-pot, in the middle of the garden, next to the henhouse, where from time to time the eggs were left waiting to be re-entered at home, since they disappeared without a trace . All that remained to do Sherlock Holmes and investigate; the mustaches of the German shepherd that walked there did not present suspicious signs, and on the ground not the slightest proof of the crime, reason why could not take the dna. And to solve such a great mystery, the machine was left with the lens facing the scene of the crimes, and as it turned out, it was not enough to shout "grab that he is a thief" because he did not run, he flew !!!

HobbyGaia - Photographs - The egg has always been a sign of mystery, and it is no wonder: with its extra-thin shell it is super-resistant and as if that were not enough, it contains, perhaps, the greatest mystery of nature, where it all begins, the origin of life, life itself!!! The famous chicken and egg dilemma, emphasized its mystery; then Columbus came and the mysteries increased; and nowadays they continue to increase as in this vase of roses, in the middle of the garden, next to the chicken coop, where from time to time the eggs were left waiting to re-enter the house, as they disappeared without a trace. All that remained was to play Sherlock Holmes and investigate; the mustaches of the German shepherd that walked around there showed no suspicious signs, and on the ground not even the slightest evidence of the crime, so the DNA could not be removed. And to solve so great a mystery,  left the camera with the lens  facing the crime scene, and as it turned out, it wasn't enough to shout "grab it's a thief", because he didn't run, he flew!!!

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