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Sokol Automat Camera | Hobbygaia
Sokol Automat Camera | Hobbygaia

Sokol automat

Sokol Automat Camera | Hobbygaia

  HobbyGaia - collections - analogue camera 35mm, rangefinder, made by Lomo, Leningrad, Soviet Union, 1969 with three cells for light sensor, which in automatic, controls the aperture and speed, and if insufficient, does not allow shooting; has parallax correction. As all the good machine allows its full control, in manual, and in this case, being mechanical, it works without batteries. Constructed of metal. To collect.


HobbyGaia - collections - 35mm analog camera, rangefinder, made by Lomo, Leningrad, Soviet Union, 1969 with three cells for the light sensor, which automatically controls   the aperture and the speed,  and if insufficient, it does not allow firing; has parallax correction. Like any good machine, it can be fully controlled manually, and in this case, being mechanical, it works without batteries. Constructed in metal. To collect.

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