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HobbyGaia - handworks - Aqui a paciência foi levada e extremos. Desta vez, em lugar do gesso, decidi provar com pasta de madeira, feita em casa com serrim e cola, mas esta, a mais barata, não era a indicada, o tempo de secagem foi quase duas semanas. Por outro lado o resultado final foi entusiasmante, com uma imagem extrememente leve e resistente, talvez das melhores que experimentei. Como seria de esperar, a primeira pasta a entrar na forma, que formará os relevos, terá que ser feita com serrim muito fino, para dar definição. Da próixima vez,  experimento com outro tipo de cola...

Divino Amor - Óleo em madeira

HobbyGaia - handworks - When patience is taken and extreme ... drying time never less than a week !!! This time, instead of plaster, I decided to use home made wood paste with sawdust and glue, and the final result was spectacular, with an extremely light and tough image, the best I've experienced. As you would expect, the first paste to enter the form, which will form the reliefs, will have to be made with very fine serrim, to give definition, it should dry for about three days, (depends on the type of glue and ambient temperature), and only then add the second layer ... allowing the first layer to be dry and the image to come out perfect.


HobbyGaia - My paintings - When patience is taken to extremes... drying time never less than a week!!! This time, instead of plaster, I decided to use wood paste, naturally made at home, with sawdust and glue , and the final result was spectacular, with an extremely light and resistant image, one of the best I've experienced. As expected, the first paste to enter the mold, which will form the reliefs, will have to be made with very fine sawdust, to give definition, it will have to dry for approximately three days (depending on the type of glue and ambient temperature), and only then add the second layer...allowing that when removing from the mold the first one is already dry, and the image comes out perfect.

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